The Tier 2 (General) category is for foreign nationals who have been offered a skilled job to fill a gap in the workforce that cannot be filled by a settled worker. An application for Tier 2 General leave can be made to the Home Office, UKBA after a Licenced Sponsor (employer approved by the Home Office, UKBA to employ a foreign worker) has obtained a Certificate of Sponsorship to sponsor a foreign worker's stay in the UK. Tier 2 General is a Point Based Category and points can be awarded for the Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS), Appropriate Salary, English language and funds for maintenance.
If you want to apply for Tier 2 General visa, you must be sponsored by a UK employer who has the Tier 2 sponsor licence. The applicant must comply with all the requirements of codes of practice for employers including the job level, minimum salary etc.
For entry clearance as a Tier 2 General Migrant, usually a restricted Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) is required unless the job is in shortage occupations list or the prospective salary to be paid to the Tier 2 Migrant is £152,100 or more gross per year.
Please note that successful Tier 2 (General) applications will be granted leave up to 3 years with the possibility of extending for a further 3 years. You will not be able to extend beyond 6 years. You will not be able to re-apply to return to the UK under Tier 2 until 12 months after your last leave under Tier 2 expired. This will be the case even if you have been in Tier 2 for less than 6 years. If you leave your job with your Tier 2 Sponsor early, you should ensure that your Sponsor notifies us that you have left so that we can curtail your leave. This is important as the 12 months is counted from the date that your leave ends.
Challenging Refusal Of Entry Clearance As Tier 2 General Migrant
A refusal of an entry clearance application as a Tier 2 General is challenged by way of an Administrative Review Request to the Entry Clearance Manager (ECM). If refusal is maintained by the Entry Clearance Manager (ECM), then the same can be challenged by way of Judicial Review (JR) in High Court.
Why Lawyers Point Solicitors For Your Entry Clearance Application As Tier 2 General Migrant?
The immigration solicitors at Lawyers Point Solicitors are experts in dealing with Tier 2 General entry clearance applications. The quality of our service is self-evident from the reviews of our clients about the service provided by our immigration lawyers. You can contact us if you are seeking legal help from immigration lawyers in London in relation to your Tier 2 (General) Migrant entry clearance application and our immigration solicitors will provide you fast, friendly, reliable and professional immigration service. If instructed to represent you regarding your Tier 2 General entry clearance application, we will do the following for you:
- Our immigration solicitors will take detailed instructions from you and advise you about the relevant immigration law and procedures to be adopted by the British High Commission/Embassy/Consulate in your application for entry clearance as Tier 2 General Migrant;
- Our immigration solicitors will discuss your immigration case in detail with you and advise you about the weaknesses and strengths of your Tier 2 General entry clearance application;
- Our immigration solicitors will advise you about the documentary evidence to be submitted in support of your Tier 2 General entry clearance application;
- Our immigration solicitors will consider contents of the documentary evidence to be submitted in support of the Tier 2 General entry clearance application and discuss the same with you;
- Our immigration solicitors will complete the application form for Tier 2 General entry clearance application and discuss the same with you;
- Our immigration solicitors will prepare a covering letter to introduce and support the Tier 2 General entry clearance application;
- Our immigration solicitors will liaise with the Immigration Officer for expeditious decision on the Tier 2 General entry clearance application;
- Our immigration solicitors will protect your interests while your Tier 2 General application is pending with the Home Office, UKBA and keep you informed of the progress on your Tier 2 General entry clearance application;
- Our immigration solicitors will do all the follow up work including responding to any queries raised by the Home Office, UKBA until decision is reached on your Tier 2 General entry clearance application;
- Our immigration solicitors will advise you about the implications of the Home Office decision on your application.
Challenging Refusal Of Entry Clearance As Tier 2 General Migrant
- We will charge you a fee from £1000.00 (No VAT) for our professional immigration services for Tier 2 General entry clearance application. The agreed fee will depend on the complexity of the matter and the casework involved in the Tier 2 General entry clearance application.
- If you cannot afford to pay our fee in full at the time of instructing us in relation to your Tier 2 General entry clearance application, you can pay half of the fee at the time of instructing us and the balance can be paid by monthly installments.
- The agreed fee will cover all our work until decision by the Home Office , UKBA on the Tier 2 General entry clearance application. However, it is pertinent to note that the agreed fee will not cover any disbursements to be incurred by us on your behalf e.g. translation of documents, Home Office fee etc.